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Estonian Journal of Ecology
Otter distribution in Lithuania in 2008 and changes in the last decade; pp. 94–102
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2009.2.03

Laima Baltrūnaitė, Linas Balčiauskas, Raimundas Matulaitis, Vitalijus Stirkė
The distribution of Lutra lutra in Lithuania was studied in 2007–2008 by surveying spraints and other signs of its presence (so-called standard monitoring methods). In total, 745 sites were checked in various water bodies: rivers, lakes, reclamation ditches, fish farms, and artificial reservoirs. Out of them, 584 (78.4%) were found positive. Fish farms were the most intensively used habitat – otters were found in all surveyed farms. Artificial reservoirs, medium-sized rivers, and streams were also frequently used. Within 100 m in the environs of a water body only anthropogenic landscape (towns, villages) was found to be a negative factor for otter presence. Other habitats both within 100 m in the environs and on the bank within 20 m, as well as regulation of a water body, did not influence the presence of otters. It is concluded that the situation of otters in Lithuania is good. The population is widely distributed across the country and inhabits various water bodies.

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