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Estonian Journal of Ecology
Timing of sexual reproduction in chydorid cladocerans (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) from nine lakes in southern Finland; pp. 21–36
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2008.1.02

Liisa Nevalainen, Kaarina Sarmaja-Korjonen
Communities of chydorid cladocerans (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) were monitored weekly during the open-water season of 2005 in nine lakes from southern Finland for their sexual reproduction patterns. Most chydorid species were strictly monocyclic with an autumnal sexual reproduction period, but minor summer sexual reproduction periods of Alona affinis and A. rectangula were observed. Autumnal sexual reproduction was generally synchronous in the lakes, suggesting that deteriorating climatic conditions were the main stimulus for induction of sexual reproduction. How­ever, considerable variation in the timing and duration of sexual reproduction among populations was observed, suggesting that other, probably ecological, stimuli may also play a role in genetically aiming for local adaptation. Sexual reproduction in chydorids is probably a response to both climatic and ecological stimuli, and adaptation by sexual reproduction may even further enhance their ecological flexibility.

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