eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
Archaeology cover
Estonian Journal of Archaeology
ISSN 1736-7484 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-2933 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.0
Holy groves in Estonian religion; pp. 3–35

Tõnno Jonuks ORCID Icon

The article tackles one of the most important sites of Estonian religion – holy groves. An overview is given of the historiography and sources used in the analysis of the groves. The groves are divided into three: the sites of older and younger group and groves situated outside the cultural landscape. It is suggested that the oldest groves were used during the Late Bronze Age – Pre-Roman Iron Age, and in their case an imposing natural object and connection to stone graves were important features. Groves of the younger group are more associated with the indigenous villages that started out during the Late Iron Age and the connection with graves is no longer so important. The places with hiis-toponyms that are situated outside the cultural landscape are not dated or associated with other sites in the present article.


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