Eesti Arheoloogia
Ajakiri, 2005, 9, 1
Kriiska, Mika Lavento and Jüri Peets
New AMS Dates of the
Neolithic and Bronze Age Ceramics
in Estonia:
preliminary results and interpretations;
Uued AMS-dateeringud Eesti neoliitilisest ja pronksiaegsest keraamikast.
Esialgsed tulemused ja interpreteeringud. Resümee; 28–31
Abstract. The AMS dates of the carbonized organics on eight Neolithic and Bronze
Age potsherds found in Estonia are presented
and interpreted considering the previous dates of textile-impressed pottery,
ceramic typology and textile history. New dates confirmed the earlier supposition
that making textile impressions on clay
vessels (of the Late Combed Ware and Early Textile Ceramics) started already at
the end of the Neolithic, yet the new results dated the appearance of the phenomenon to c. 2700 cal BC, which is
approximately 1000 years earlier than
hitherto assumed. By the beginning of the Late Bronze Age around 1100 cal BC, the ceramics, often termed Textile Ceramics,
had formed on the present-day territory of Estonia.
The textile impressions on the surfaces of the vessels have been made using fabric woven in different techniques. The sherds analysed bear the impressions of textiles made in tabby and repp weave, the latter indicating the use of the loom for weaving the fabric. The impression observable on one of the potsherds presumably originates from fabric produced in needle-netting technique.
Tõnno Jonuks
Archaeology of
religion – possibilities and prospects; 32–59
Religiooniarheoloogia – võimalikkus ja võimalused. Resümee; 56–59
Abstract. The following article consists of three parts. The first part
provides a short overview of the study of the history of Estonian prehistoric
religion since the 18th–19th centuries Baltic-German
scholars until the most recent studies by Estonian archaeologists. The overview
aims to characterise the current situation of research and explicate the
contemporary understanding of
prehistoric religion. The second part of the article discusses the sources and defines some important key terms which have
been used in the following, drawing a distinction
between folk religion, pre-Christian religion and prehistoric religion, and
rituality and significance of stone
graves. Phenomenology, the most commonly applied method in Estonia, has
been discussed at some length. The third part emphasises six main approaches,
which the author of the article considers of importance in the study of
prehistoric religion – namely, religion is
dynamic and undergoes constant changes; each new religious phenomenon is incorporated into previously existing context;
the study of prehistoric religion is only effective in interdisciplinary
approach; understanding the importance and role of rituality; the importance of explicating key terminology; and
studying religion against a general framework.
Sigita Mikðaitë
Production of ceramics
of Narva Culture (Reconstructions based on
archaeology); 60–72
Narva kultuuri keraamika valmistamine (eksperimentaalarheoloogilised rekonstruktsioonid). Resümee; 71–72
Abstract. The pottery of Narva Culture was the first ceramics in the
East Baltic Region. In the course of
practical experiment, the questions related to the production technology of
Neolithic pottery were resolved and
studied in detail. That includes clay preparation, coil joining, ornamentation and firing. Vessels were made
experimentally, giving an understanding of the archaic techniques and
traditions of the Neolithic potters. Two ways for ceramics firing, namely field
hearth and pile-fire have been tested.
Ülle Sillasoo
Mis saab arheobotaanikast
Eestis?; 73–81
What will be with archaeobotany in Estonia? Summary; 81
Annotatsioon. Arheobotaanika on Eestis vähetuntud
teadusala, mida siinsetes ülikoolides ei õpetata ning millega pidevalt tegelevaid ja tegelnud inimeste kokkulugemiseks piisab
ühe käe sõrmedest. Samas viitab nii arheoloogiliste kaevamiste kui ka
võetud pinnaseproovide arv teatud vajadusele ja võimalusele selles valdkonnas
pisut enam ära teha. Arheobotaanilised leiud on materiaalse kultuuri uurimise
üks allikatest. Väljakaevamised on üksnes andmete kogumiseks ja baasiks
järgnevale teadustööle. Arheobotaanika on Eestis kriisiseisus, kuna väljaõppinud spetsialistidele ei leidu erialast tööd.
Ühe põhjusena näeb autor riiklikult finantseeritava linnaarheoloogia ja
materiaalse kultuuri uurimiskeskuse puudumist. Lahenduseks oleks koostöö arendamine välismaa kolleegidega,
mis ei välistaks koostööd kodumaiste arheoloogide, ajaloolaste ja
loodusteaduslikke meetodeid kasutavate spetsialistide vahel.
ülevaated – reviews
Jaan Tamm
A new review of
Latvian castles; 82–84
Andris Caune and Ieva Ose. Latvias 12. gadsimta
beigu – 17. gadsimta vâcu piïu leksikons. Rîga, 2004 (590 pp)
Sander Tint ja Martti Veldi
Piirid looduses ja
kultuuris; 85–87
Piirid looduses ja kultuuris. Arheoloogia-geograafia kevadkool
19.–20.03.2005, Taevaskoja
Abbreviations; 88