3. Style

The entire manuscript should be double-spaced with wide margins. The pages should be numbered consecutively. The papers and review articles should be reasonably divided into sections and if necessary, subsections, numbered as shown hereabouts, all with appropriate titles. The whole article should be arranged as follows:

3.1. Title page

The title page includes full title, names and affiliations of authors, mailing address, phone and E-mail of the (first) author, and short title with less than 50 characters.

3.2. Abstract page

Includes the full title, the abstract, and 6-8 keywords. If there should be any acknowledgements, they are placed at the same page below the abstract.

3.3. Text

The main body of text starts on page three. Each page has the short title at the top centred and the page number at the right top of the page. The main body of text should not give information about the authorship.

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