eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
Archaeology cover
Estonian Journal of Archaeology
ISSN 1736-7484 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-2933 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.0
PDF | doi: 10.3176/arch.2010.1.01

Gytis Piličiauskas
This paper deals with large bifacial flint points, i.e. daggers and spearheads, in Lithuania during the Late Neolithic – Early Bronze Age. 13 find places of such artefacts were registered in Lithuania. Find places, contexts, raw material and forms of these tools were examined. Highly diverse origins of flint daggers and spearheads found in Lithuania were suggested.
It emerged that the artefacts came from the Upper Volga, Volhynia and south Scandinavia. Some evidence of local production of large bifaces were identified near flint outcrops
in the Upper Nemunas. An attempt to explain strikingly different production scales and number of daggers in south Scandinavia and the Upper Nemunas basin was made, and a role of social factors responsible for that was emphasized.

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