eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
Comparison of satellite sea surface temperature with in situ surface layer temperature; pp. 47–56

Rivo Uiboupin, Liis Sipelgas

Shipborne measurements of sea surface layer temperature in the western Gulf of Finland in July 2002 were compared with four different MODIS sea surface temperature (SST) products. The root mean square difference of the satellite and shipborne temperature series was calculated. According to the calculations the MODIS Aqua SST products were closer to the shipborne temperature measurements than the MODIS Terra SST products. A criterion of 0.4 °C temperature differences was found to detect upwelling regions from MODIS SST products. Comparison of images showed that surface accumulation of cyanobacteria causes a local increase of the sea surface temperature on the SST images.


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